Your Trip 001
Your Trip
-Virtual Tomb Theater_Let me archive your life journey. - 2021.05.26-
-I went for a two week solo road trip on May 2021 when covid pandemic was almost over. In the middle of the desert, in the middle of the mountain, there is no one except the rattlesnake. As far as the eye could see, there were only mountains, blue sky, moon and ground. One night, I was sitting beside the pool, and asked a big moon, “Am I crazy to make a Digital Tomb theater?” The mountains and the moon answered me, “No, Mikiko, go ahead. It is your mission.”
-My project is a Virtual Reality tomb theater. For every person’s tomb, 20 paintings of the emotional moment of their life which is using road trip scenery. Inside the tomb, those slideshows are projected to the wall. Then not only for your own archive, your family and friends can visit through VR from all over the world, and share the scenery and sensation you experienced in your life.
-Life is like a road trip. Sometimes sunny, but sometimes rainy. When we are driving alone in the middle of the desert, it feels like we are moving slowly, but actually we might be going very quickly. “Where are we at?” The moment we check our location on a map, and look from above, we are aware of our location relative to the world. No matter how rich or poor, or which race they are, all people have an equivalently dramatic life. I want to visualize everyone’s beautiful life journey. The desert told me that my life purpose is saving people physically and psychologically by art and architecture.
20 slides of the life
First prototype based on Marc Chagall’s life.