@Kabushima, Hachinohe_(Photography by Ami Ishihara)


Architectural Designer/ Artist/ Founder of Studio Mikix/ Owner of Art Space Neo Ippei 

Mikiko Takasago was born in Hachinohe, Aomori, Japan. After 8 years staying in the US, she came back to her hometown Hachinohe, and started her own business.

 She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Architecture from Tokyo University of the Arts and Master of Architecture from Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc, Los Angeles).Internship at Zago Architecture. Worked at Woods Bagot New York, and WRNS Studio in San Francisco.

Notable Awards:Sendai Design League 2013 (First Place), Southern California Institute of Architecture Woods Bagot Award 2018


建築デザイナー/ Studio Mikix


東京藝術大学美術学部建築学科卒業。南カリフォルニア建築大学大学院修了。ロサンゼルスにて建築家アンドリューザゴに師事しシカゴ建築展2017のデザイン監修担当。組織設計Woods Bagotニューヨーク支店勤務、WRNS Studioサンフランシスコ支店勤務。八戸工業高等専門学校、宮城大学非常勤講師。

受賞歴:建築設計日本一決定戦2013グランプリ サイアーク修了制作ウッズバゴット賞